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Kindergarten Program

  >    >  Kindergarten Program

Getting Ready for School

(4 – 6 years)

Max group size: 20 children

Teacher to student ratio: 1:10

Monday - Friday: 7 am – 6:00 pm

13070 Yonge St #2, Richmond Hill, ON

(905) 773–3077

The curriculum at Imaginarium For Kids is specifically designed to meet the child care and learning needs of four, five and six year old children.

This challenging, fun and age-appropriate program engages the whole child, helping to improve thinking, reasoning and communicating.

Ensuring Your Child’s Seamless Transition to Kindergarten

The Kindergarten classroom at Imaginarium For Kids is designed to help your child make significant developmental gains, like communicating successfully,and working well both independently and in groups. Our highly trained teachers will use designated Learning Centers to prepare your child for Kindergarten and life beyond.

At Imaginarium For Kids we are committed to maintaining teacher to student ratio of 1:10, when the maximum number of students inside Kindergarten group is 20. You’ll receive assessments regularly through ongoing portfolio collections, quarterly reports and family/teacher conferences twice a year, so you can rest assured that your child is progressing throughout the year.

Kindergarten Learning Centers

Kindergarten classroom features next learning centers equipped with developmentally appropriate materials to channel your child’s natural sense of curiosity into educational exploration.

Math & Manipulatives

Reading & Listening


Science & Sensorial

Music & Dramatic Play

Creativity & Art

Your Child’s Day

Our Kindergarten curriculum incorporates the best practices of early childhood education experts and promotes school-readiness. Your child will create portfolios that encourage communication through writing and drawing, and participate in our special program which focuses on developing important character traits. The typical daily structure for your child might include:

Math, Language & Literacy

To build their knowledge and prepare them for school.

Daily Circle

Time where the day’s themed activities are introduced and reviewed.

Opportunities to Explore and Evaluate Feelings

During “Your Opinion Counts” time.

Activities in the Learning Centers

To bring the day’s educational theme to life.

Story Time

Which allows your child to read a story with the class or act out a character.

Song and Poem Time

To strengthen early literacy skills.

Music and Movement

To expand your child’s vocabulary, listening skills and gross motor skills.

Outdoor play

Twice daily to participate in group play, burn off energy and develop motor skills.

Lunch and Quiet Time

To nourish and rest your child’s growing mind and body.

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